Theosophy Canada - Edmonton Theosophical Society Theosophy Canada Founders

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Books For Sale by Edmonton TS

Theosophy in Canada / Judge Case

"The Split" and other Studies in             Early Canadian Theosophical History

Theosophy in Canada: “The Split” and other Studies in Early Canadian Theosophical History and Some Early Canadian Theosophists by Ted G Davy is the first book to chronicle the history of the early years of theosophy in Canada.

Ted Davy was General Secretary of The Theosophical Society in Canada from 1968-1986 and, together with his wife Doris, co-edited The Canadian Theosophist from 1961 to 1992. His deep interest in the history of theosophy in Canada is now chronicled in this book.

Published and distributed by Edmonton Theosophical Society, softcover (perfect binding), 2011: 383pp. ISBN 978-0-9681602-4-4. $30.00 Cdn or US + postage. 40% discount for 10 or more copies + postage.

To order, send cheque or money order to Edmonton TS, Box 4587, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6E 5G4.

The Judge Case: A Conspiracy Which Ruined the Theosophical Cause
by Ernest E. Pelletier

  • Published by Edmonton Theosophical Society, 2004
  • The Judge Case looks at the accusations and charges brought against one of the founders of The Theosophical Society, William Q. Judge.
  • 984 pages + 71 B&W photographs
  • ISBN 0-9681602-3-9

The Judge Case:

An Exciting Offer!

Recent bequests for the purpose of distributing The Judge Case: A Conspiracy Which Ruined the Theosophical Cause are allowing Edmonton TS to offer the remaining copies of this title as follows.

You are encouraged to get in touch with Edmonton TS with contact information for the library or institution you recommend, and a copy of the Judge Case will be sent at no charge.* Please ensure the intended recipient is in fact interested in receiving a copy. Edmonton TS will pay the postage.

Individuals may receive a copy for the cost of shipping to your personal address.

Publishers and distributors, please contact Edmonton TS at

Edmonton TS takes this opportunity to thank each and every individual and organization that purchased copies and supported publishing of The Judge Case. We are pleased to be able to make the offer outlined above, and grateful to the friends of Edmonton TS who have made it possible.

To order your own personal copy, send cheque or money order to Edmonton TS, Box 4587, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6E 5G4.


* This offer is restricted to universities or public institutions that agree to accept one free copy of The Judge Case.

** Regular price is $95 + postage.(approx 1000 pages, 8.5”x11”, about 6.5 lbs or 3kg)